Thanks for checking out my blog. I have been very busy updating my website, and figured this is a much easier way to keep everyone up to date on my comings and goings, as opposed to constantly reformatting and uploading.
Most recently, I have completed a piece for the Rapido! composition contest. I am pretty excited about it, and will share more after the adjudication period has finished.
My percussion trio with prerecorded audio, Rites of the Little Hours, has been selected for performance at the Society of Composers 2010 National Conference at the University of South Carolina this November. It should be great fun watching more people trying to figure out how to put that together.
I have my Master's as of May 7. I am currently living in Iowa City, ready to begin my PhD this Fall at the University of Iowa.
As soon as I get my website finished (which should be this week), I am going to sit down with my 3 minute orchestral work (currently Abura-bo). My hope is to have 7 minutes ready to be read by September. I am also looking at writing a String Quartet, but it is too early to really comment any more about it.
I appreciate you taking the time to check in with me. Stay tuned for more news and updates!